The content is organized chronologically. Yet each speaker, no matter how skilled, needs to keep these basic techniques in mind. Experienced speakers will find little here that is new. It takes a "how-to" approach to effective speaking in the Air Force and presents proven techniques as concisely and completely as possible. Speaking Effectively presents techniques on how to speak successfully. Based on this approach Islam is not only understood as a doctrine but also a solutions to humanitarian and muslim problems. One of the efforts made by al-Ghazāli was to call for a total return to the Islamic manhaj (way) completely as the only way to overcome the religious and social problems of Muslims.This concept methodologically is an effort to understand Islamic values through the approach of the Qur'an and Sunnah which is interpreted through the spirit of rationality in the frame of moderation.

Based on the result of the study, al-Ghazāli’s thought was influenced by educational background at Al-Azhar and social-political conditions in Egypt. This research attempts to reveal how the approach used by Muhammad al-Ghazāli in understanding Islam, the background of his Islamic Thought and its advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, one of the efforts of the reformers of Islam was to reconstruct the methodology as an important tool in understanding Islam to be able to provide a solution to the problems of humanity and sovereignty. Methodological error to interpret Islam will be trapped in the stagnation of thought and decline of the people. The Style of Islamic understanding has a correlation with the progress and welfare of its people. This research found that the use at-Tathbiq an-Nahwi wa as-Sharfi textbook to improve students’ ability in the understanding “jumlah ismiyah” is very effective. The total sample was twenty eight students of class five A.

This study conducted in class five Darul Ulum Islamic boarding school Banda Aceh, Indonesia. The method used in this research is Quasi Experiment. The aim of this research is to know effectiveness al-Ṭabīq al-Nuhawil wa al-Șarfi book to improve student’s ability in understanding “jumlah ismiyah”. And name of the book is al-Ṭabīq al-Nuhawil wa al-Șarfi. Therefore, expected to teachers who teach nahwu’s lesson to use a method or a correspond’s book. The problem which experienced by student in class Va in Darul Ulum Islamic Boarding School is understanding of “jumlah ismiyah” was still little bit. The ability of student to express something in their mind’s, or their heart’s, or convey the idea, or giving information to other, or reading comprehension, or daring to speak with Arabs, or interaction with other is affected by understanding of the “jumlah”. Every “kalam” in Arabic is a sentence “jumlah”.